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I don't think that's how you lose fat. You get rid of the exhaust generated during the chemical fat burning process. If you couldn't exhale you would still burn fat.

In: O2

Out: CO2

That extra C atom comes from your metabolism. If you're in a calorie deficit, it has to come from your C atom reserve storage.

You miss the point of the parent, which is that exhaling is not a chemical process. The point being that the CO2 you exhale is "somehow produced by something", and once it's there you have to exhale it.

That's a way of saying that breathing faster won't burn more fat just because of the breathing: burning fat is a bit more elaborate than that.

> That's a way of saying that breathing faster won't burn more fat just because of the breathing

Which is wrong, since breathing involves pumping air with your muscles.

Not sure if you got my point but wanted to be pedantic, or didn't get my point at all.

If you're in a calorie deficit, it has to come from your C atom reserve storage.

Yes, and that will be your muscle mass as well as body fat if you're not exercising and maintaining a decent protein intake.

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