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I left a very good job 7 years in (digital design) to go out on my own. That was more than 2 decades ago. I could write paragraphs of the rookie mistakes (business-wise) and the financial ups & downs, but one thing has never changed...

The "temporal freedom" I have in my work (Gad Saad, if you don't know the name). I love being the master of my own day, of my own time. I don't sit in Zoom meetings or have daily standups. I can get up at 5am and work until 11am, and then go hike, play with my dog, get ice cream with my daughters, workout, etc. and then work again from 7pm until midnight or whatever.

Having (almost literally) full control over my daily schedule, week-in, week-out, year after year, is invaluable to me.

One disclosure: a few times a year I do very hard things where I have very little freedom, but they allow me to have lots of freedom the rest of the year.

Not to be a jerk, but I won't be elaborating. And I realize this life isn't for everyone!

Sounds perfect :)

I wonder how many great works we'd have built if most weren't trapped elsewhere.

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