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>I love visual design exercises like this, but it's one thing to throw it out there and a completely separate (10000x harder) feat to actually have this implemented. If you usability test this interface, it's going to fail all over the place. Remember, Windows is probably the only piece of software with EVERY SINGLE segment of users.

100% agree. I love looking at these visual designs, but most of the time they weren't done with real usability concerns in mind.

When it comes to commenters saying the author should be hired by Microsoft, something like that would definitely almost never happen in this industry but it seems like some shops really embrace the handing off the design reigns to graphic designers. Google and RIM have both shifted the direction of their UI approach to departments with visual design backgrounds and less usability, human factors or research driven design backgrounds. There's been a lot of attention directed at Google and I'm curious of RIM's choices pan out, as The Astonishing Tribe appears to have full reigns of RIM's BB UI.

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