I agree. Reddit has behaved very badly, but the kneejerk people demanding a cheaper than opportunity cost API have distanced themselves from sanity. It's one thing to say that one thinks reddit is making a miscalculation against its own financial interests, but it's an extreme form of selfishness to demand that someone else sacrifice earnings to provide perpetual unfettered platform access to things that were put on the platform of posters' own accord without coercion.
It's a true shame that your approach was not the chosen one. It would have been the right call in my view. But it's not anyone's right to get a particular outcome, and so many people commenting seem to think otherwise.
> but it's an extreme form of selfishness to demand that someone else sacrifice earnings to provide perpetual unfettered platform access to things that were put on the platform of posters' own accord without coercion.
In that same sentence you highlight why it's not selfish. Reddit wants content and moderation, they're not paying shit for it. It's only a fair trade for people to keep their tools and clients in exchange.
I've said this before but yea, Reddit can do both all by themselves as well. Not sure how profitable that'd be though.
Reddit benefits from content moderation, but reddit didn't make any mods be mods. Mods did that to themselves entirely on their own.
> they're not paying shit for it.
This is a nonsequitur. Reddit doesn't need to pay anything for the mods to experience compensation. The compensation that the mods get is having the subreddits be moderated in the way they want. It's possible (and unknowable) that, if mod were a position compensated in other ways, there would be fewer complaints about power tripping, but that's neither here nor there. Mods are already compensated by having exactly what they became mods for in the first place, moderated subreddits.
> It's only a fair trade for people to
It's the opposite of fair to expect payment for doing something that nobody asked you to do. If I come and mow your lawn because looking at a mowed lawn makes me happier, you don't owe me shit. I have already received my reward.
> Mods are already compensated by having exactly what they became mods for in the first place, moderated subreddits.
Basically. And now that Reddit takes that away from I don't know how many, what motivation or incentives does it leave for both current and future ones? Sense of duty (LOL)?
Reddit didn't take it away from them. They decided to stop. People were moderating subreddits looong before any of these apps were available.
And it's fine that they decided to stop. People have to move on from things eventually when they decide that they no longer feel sufficiently rewarded.
I could likewise not mow your lawn anymore. I don't owe you the mowing any more than you owe me payment for mowing that I did for myself at the time. You might have come to rather enjoy having a mowed lawn, though, so maybe when I stop you'll hire someone else to do it for more than it would have taken to keep me doing it. But that's at most a miscalculation.
I don't think you understand capitalism. Reddit offers a service for a price, and if I don't like the terms or price I won't use it. That does not make me selfish. Thinking that I'm somehow obligated to pay them is the bizarre take.
You're making up a position that I haven't taken. Maybe you did it on purpose, maybe on accident. Either way, you're arguing against something different than what I said. Nobody is obligated on either side. It's selfish to assert obligation.
You’re asserting users are selfish. I don’t know what you think you are saying, but in a business the customers can demand whatever they want and leave if they are not happy. That does not make them selfish.
You have twice now fabricated an argument that I am not making. I'm not fazed by this, but I think you should be aware that this is a thing you're doing.
I've multiple times said that neither party has any obligation to the other. The people who do assert obligations for others after the fact for self-perpetuated labor are selfish.
> but it's an extreme form of selfishness to demand that someone else sacrifice earnings to provide perpetual unfettered platform access to things that were put on the platform of posters' own accord without coercion.
I urge you to read it again with the newfound knowledge that, now three times without any attempt at course adjustment, you've so far been misconstruing it. Sidebar on preventing this kind of situation in the future: asking questions clears confusion faster than repeating the same mistaken statements again after learning that they're mistaken.
At this point I can only assume you are gaslighting. You keep accusing me of claiming a falsehood, even when I quote your very own words, and you make no attempt to actually explain your own words.
I don’t take kindly to gaslighting. This conversation is finished.
Four times. I can't (won't?) help a person who doesn't ask clarifying questions about things they don't understand and instead just digs their heels into the ground dying on the fallow hill of "I never misunderstand anything, so you must have meant this thing you did not say, and here let me blandly quote this thing I did not understand without asking any clarifying questions about it to address my misunderstanding".
It's a true shame that your approach was not the chosen one. It would have been the right call in my view. But it's not anyone's right to get a particular outcome, and so many people commenting seem to think otherwise.