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Say you're implementing quick-sort, and you're checking the pivot value like this:

    if (array.len() >= 2) {
        let pivot = array[array.len() / 2];
Those brackets could panic, if the index was out of bounds! Of course you can tell locally from the code that it can't be out of bounds. But if you're really not allowed to have panics (and equivalently array accesses with square brackets, as those can panic), then you have to write this code instead:

    if (array.len() >= 2) {
        let pivot = match array.get(array.len() / 2) {
            Some(pivot) => pivot,
            None => return Err(InternalQuicksortError("bad index somehow")),
You do this all over your codebase and it gets hard to read very quickly!

EDIT: clarified code

There are way too many replies here which seem like they fundamentally don't understand that you can't actually write an algorithm to solve the problem they imagine is easy.

Rust does have Results that it knows can't fail - for genericity reasons - these are Infallible results, for example try_into() when into() would have worked is Infallible, Rust uses an empty type (equivalent to but for now not literally identical to ! aka Never) for this, so the compiler knows this type can't be reified, it needn't do code generation for this never-happens error.

But there's a crucial distinction between Rust's compiler can see this is Infallible and I can show it won't fail and Rice's theorem means that gap is insurmountable even just in principle.

I’d be curious to see if the optimizer couldn’t detect in this instance that that code is, in fact, unreachable. It seems to me like it should detect it with ease.

I will concede that the “you should never get here” type errors are tempting to panic on. But I have seen so many instances where the “you should never get here” code does execute. Memory corruption, access by other processors, etc., could make this check (which should never happen!) actually fail at runtime. If one of those happens in code I wrote, I would rather be alerted to the error, without crashing, if possible.

A lot of the appeal to “panic on error” IMO is to reduce developer cognitive load. As a developer, it’s inconvenient to consider all the errors that can actually happen when programming. Allocations, array accesses, I/O, and other errors programmers want to ignore, do happen. It’s annoying to think about them every time we write code, but I’d rather have something that forces me to consider them, rather than be bit by something that I designed out of my consideration.

This preference might change depending on what I’m writing. For a one-off script that I need to spin up quickly, I don’t really care. For code running on a device I may not get to service for 5 years, my opinion would be different.

Wait hang on: your code hit a case that you know means something like memory corruption happened, and you want it to keep executing? If there's memory corruption, I want the program to stop ASAP so that it does as little damage as possible!

FYI Rust panics and illegal `[]` accesses will tell you the file & line number where it happened.

Some people do indeed want this as far as I know. I believe it is what the Linux kernel wants for example. I'm not aware of any other projects that want the same thing.

> A lot of the appeal to “panic on error” IMO is to reduce developer cognitive load.

Cognitive load is one of the main blocks to development. Do not diminish the importance of lowering cognitive load

> This preference might change depending on what I’m writing. For a one-off script that I need to spin up quickly, I don’t really care.

Yes, absolutely. Trade offs

> A lot of the appeal to “panic on error” IMO is to reduce developer cognitive load. As a developer, it’s inconvenient to consider all the errors that can actually happen when programming. Allocations, array accesses, I/O, and other errors programmers want to ignore, do happen.

Rust has the ? operator to address the common pattern of returning a failure condition to the caller. There's effectively zero cognitive load involved, since compiler hints take care of it when writing the code.

> I’d be curious to see if the optimizer couldn’t detect in this instance that that code is, in fact, unreachable.

Probably, but that should be a job for the type checker not the optimizer. Ideally, there should be a way of creating statically verified asserts about program values, and plugging them in as preconditions to function calls that require them for correctness.

If only there was some way to propagate the range checks...

    let lo, hi = array.bounds()
    match lo < hi {
        None => array,
        Some(lo, hi) => {
           let pivot_index = lo.avg_with(hi)  // guaranteed to be in bounds
           let pivot = array[pivot_index]     // never panics, but the index type is opaque, not usize

           ...rest of the qsort here

You're still using `array[index]` syntax though. That comes with a panicking branch. The optimizer might elide it, but it might just as well do that in the original code.

I do not believe you've rebutted the main point here. At best what you've done is a show a better way of guaranteeing that indices are correct. But you still need to deal with the fact that index notation comes with a panicking branch.

> That comes with a panicking branch

Not necessarily? Indexing is overloadable, so nothing stops one to write an implementation that'd use an unsafe block without any checks/panics whatsoever (because there are static guarantees that those would be unnecessary).

Apologies for the verbose response, but I just don't see how to avoid it because people constantly get tangled in knots in this sort of discussion.

I think this is continuing to miss the forest for the trees. The original code snippet could also just use `unsafe` to elide the panicking branch and it would still be just as correct while satisfying the requirement that there are no panicking branches.

But what's actually happened is that you've traded "panic when a bug occurs" with "undefined behavior when a bug occurs." Both things are valid choices depending on the circumstances, but the latter is not a realistic escape hatch out of the discussion at hand: whether one should completely elide all panicking branches.

The comment that kicked off this sub-thread:

> IMO (systems programming background), the litmus test for panic! vs. Result doesn’t exist. Don’t panic.

The "Don't panic" advice is correct but ambiguous on its own. If it's referring to the behavior of a program, then yes, absolutely, don't panic. Or as I like say, "if a program panics, it should be considered a bug." But if it's referring the source code, as in, there should be no panicking branches, then that is absolutely wrong. Neither the standard library nor any popular Rust library follows that practice. And they shouldn't.

I interpreted "Don't panic" as the latter meaning because of the claim that "panic! vs Result doesn't exist." That only makes sense in the latter interpretation. In the former interpretation, one does need to contend with a "panic vs Result" choice, as it's often a balance between convenience and how it's usually used. For example, indexing a slice with a `usize` panics.

So either the former interpretation was meant and the poster is confused (or just misspoke), or the latter interpretation was meant and is divorced from reality.

I'll post a link to my blog on this topic yet again, because I'm pretty sure it will clarify the situation and my position: https://blog.burntsushi.net/unwrap

Yes, indeed. And it's not even a novel idea, my example is lifted straight from one of the references of the paper you've linked (namely, Kiselyov & Shan, "Lightweight Static Capabilities", 2007).

I personally think that taking an optimization (e.g. boundary checks elimination) and bringing it — or more precisely, the logic that verifies that this optimization is safe — to the source language-level is a very promising direction of research.

Well all you have to do then is make it not hard to read :-)

   #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
   enum Error {
     #[error("bad index somehow")]

   // ...

   let pivot = array.get(array.len() / 2).ok_or(Error::BadIndex)?;

How does anyone on the stack above handle this error? i.e. what can be done programmatically to deal with it?

I claim this is far worse than panic in this case... you've now introduced a code path variant that folks above think is "legitimate" or caused by some input or something in the environment that could be changed to make it go away... but that's not the case here... the only thing that can be fixed is the code in question to not be in this region if the array length is 2 or less. It's a plain old "bug" and the only cure (other than more cowbell) is to modify source and recompile.

> How does anyone on the stack above handle this error? For a web application, you respond to the request with 5xx error.

Applications do many things. A degraded state (e.g. a single endpoint being broken) is often preferable to a full crash. It's very little effort to opt in to panics by calling unwrap(). It's a lot of effort to recover from panics. Let me, as the caller, make that decision.

But any standard web framework already would use a panic handler to turn a panic within application code to a 5xx error.

Here's a discussion on actix-web and panic handlers: https://github.com/actix/actix-web/issues/1501

Some technical limits, a lot of cultural opposition. While it is possible to have a panic handler, it's generally viewed as a bad idea. Not everything is UnwindSafe, there are limits to how much a panic handler can do, concerns about memory leaks.

Again, the caller can turn it into a panic easily enough if that's what they want. leave the decision in their hands.

You can convert the Option to a Result where the None becomes the error and then propagate from that.

This is basically how you are using this Option by the way, and while it's possible, you have to consider why the original author decided to return an Option and not a Result: It's because he wants you to handle that in a way that doesn't fail (ie: an error) but instead consider it as a non-failure possibility.

Maybe my mind has been poisoned by a few years of Scala, but that just looks like normal code to me. Bundle up those errors and return a useful message to the user about why it failed, call it a day.

The point is that the code literally cannot panic under any circumstances. Just because there's a call to `unwrap()` or `[]` doesn't mean it's actually possible to trigger that panic. I made that more explicit the code, in case that wasn't clear.

If there's any question as to whether a line might actually panic or not, then absolutely, generate helpful error messages. But when you can tell through simple local reasoning that the panic will never happen, you can just use square brackets. It's OK.

> when you can tell through simple local reasoning that the panic will never happen

A problem is that you may be able to tell now, but as code changes and functions grow and split, that reasoning may grow less simple and less local without any changes of those lines in particular.

The odds of that, and the degree to which it matters, are of course both spectacularly situation dependent.

And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bicycle!

The point being, take context into account. You can't code like everything everywhere is going to get modified to be worse.

I agree, I was just surfacing a sometimes missed piece of context.

For the first time, I find myself wanting the equivalent of a :thumbs-up: reaction emoji on hn.

The point is that the language has decided that some kinds of builtin operations can panic, in the interest of developer ergonomics. The alternative is that every indexing operation returns a Result, or you write 4 lines of code instead of 1 for every indexing operation. So the notion that the programmer should never write "panic!" in their code does not fully address the underlying problem, if the reason for not writing "panic!" is "library code should never panic".

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