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The only quibble I have with Markdown is that it shows its web-oriented origins by making it difficult to insert page breaks. That's largely the reason I still use LaTeX for a lot of things. Other than that, though, I fully agree with the author. Plain text is great because 1) it'll always be readable and 2) it forces you to focus on the writing first and the formatting second.

In pandoc you can just use `\newpage`. This will create a page break in LaTeX/PDF output but be ignored in other formats, such as HTML.

> The only quibble I have with Markdown is that it shows its web-oriented origins by making it difficult to insert page breaks.

I'm not sure it's got to do with web-orientation, reStructuredText has targetted a number of builders from the start, yet does not have a native pagebreak directive (you either need to use an extension, or use raw passthrough to the latex builder)

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