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You can do VSCode Remote in a browser on an iPad so I'm not too worried.

I think the bigger factor is that Apple is trying to push this as more of a workplace productivity machine than the iPad, so third party developers will hopefully be more amenable to porting those types of apps than they were to iPadOS.

> You can do VSCode Remote in a browser on an iPad

I'm sorry but that's exactly the problem, I want the app natively (well, as native as you can get with Electron), executing code that I have on my file system. I don't want to execute remotely through a browser.

Your requirements seem pretty specific, it might just not be the device for you.

How is it "pretty specific?" Any developer is running code locally (unless you work for Google or some company where they have remote codespaces). Why should I not want a headset that instead serves as a replacement for a laptop?

You might want it. Apple either doesn’t seem to be able to provide it, or didn’t prioritize it.

I don’t work for Google but I often SSH to my desktop to run my code. Why heat up my lap or drain my battery?

Good for you, not everyone has both a laptop and desktop to get work done.

> Apple either doesn’t seem to be able to provide it, or didn’t prioritize it.

Sure, that's up to them. I can still want what I want however.

You can want whatever you want. It’s not a failure of apple that they don’t serve your specific need, however. They just built a product for different people.

Sure, that's fine. At the same time I can still call it a shame that they would have to do such artificial limiting. I'll more likely pick up the Android or Windows version of such a device without restrictions on what kinds of software I can run on my own hardware.

If they really want to make it a work machine, there is too many things that needs to go from iPadOS when using keyboard. For instance, customizable shortcut is an obvious thing that is missing on the iPadOS.

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