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The problem is that it's as pointless to disallow using a pinterest extension as it is to intercept right-clicks. Anyone can still capture/copy the image and share it trough other means. That's the reason photographers' websites seldomly feature hi-res images and plaster watermarks all over.

Pinterest might be doing attribution wrong (I don't know, I don't use it), but this doesn't fix it. Nothing stops me from taking a screenshot of a Flickr page and sharing it on twitter. Isn't that fair use? Anyone can see the same page already. Pinterest just became a tool that annoys you because of other people's paranoia with copyright infringement, just like a DVD player that only read Zone 4 discs, the iPod disallowing grabbing songs from it, or the aforementioned right-click popup saying "This content is copyrighted". It's stupid. I can't believe how different the attitude is here in contrast to other stories on music and DRM, it's like a totally different crowd.

It's unrealistic to expect EverNote, pinboard and every other software that clips web comtent to "respect wishes". Should audio recorders listen for signatures that disallow the recording of copyrighted audio? Cameras refusing to take pictures inside art venues (I've heard that one)? I don't know about you, but I don't want to live in that world.

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