The real problem isn't that Google can't detect what spam is, it's that this spam drives so much of the traffic, and thus their revenue that they cannot remove it.
Google at this point is literally teaming up with spammers. Just go on a android phone and swipe left from homepage for "Google", count how many clicks it takes to get to an 100% AI generated spam page.
We have all those posts kvetching about how small email providers have become collateral damage in the arms race against email spam. I don’t think anyone is truly successful in that space.
The issue is that ML is very expensive compared to spam generation. And the moment another search engine becomes popular, then the spam cannons will be used against it instead.
for those of us without an android device to try this, care to enlighten us? the way it is described it sounds like a lot of of action required which seems like a good thing, but your point seems like it's trying to make goog's results bad. i'm really not following your point
This shows a bunch of articles based on your search history - many of which are incredibly poor quality and appear to be generated in some way.
I tried to curate mine for a bit and thumbs down useless sites or content I don't care about. I didn't really succeed in making this feed helpful so I mostly ignore it.
Google appears to think that I have one sole interest, which is The Lord of the Rings. And that I want to read endless poorly researched and sensationally headlined articles on differences between the novel and the films. It never recommends me anything else in that section.
I thought it was only me who thought that. Those articles are so much worse than, say, Google News app. Once in a while there’s something relevant, but it’s always clickbait stuff.
Google at this point is literally teaming up with spammers. Just go on a android phone and swipe left from homepage for "Google", count how many clicks it takes to get to an 100% AI generated spam page.