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One of my clients uses a tool operating within the same space as Debezium called Qlik Replicate to listen for log-based CDC to replicate the data to a different database. The challenge we found was that not everything was recorded into the redo log, like DELETE's wrapped inside functions in one vendor's database. There was a long list of caveats we eventually uncovered beyond even the documented ones. This challenge arises even if performing CDC between two databases from the same vendor on the same version, somewhat narrowing the use cases we could apply CDC upon.

If you must care about bit-level accurate replication, catching gaps after the replication completes is we concluded after a year of chasing that chimera a deep rabbit hole with an event horizon that constantly recedes into the future. If you can tolerate some replication errors and can tolerate not knowing where they happen without a lot of investigation, then CDC works great.

CDC gets us close, but I'm still looking for someone who is working upon covering the edge cases that redo logs alone do not address.

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