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Oh FFS. Everything has a barrier to entry. Just work with it until you get over it.

People want instant gratification these days. It takes time to understand stuff.

The Internet (and crappy TV about popstars and shit) has lead to people having completely unrealistic expectations of everything.

> Oh FFS. Everything has a barrier to entry. Just work with it until you get over it.

The problem is that most people's response is "I'd rather give up on it than get over it", so we wind up with a math-illiterate society. If we can make it easier to be math literate, then we encourage a better world. (Your response, which is quite correct, reminds me of http://www.marco.org/2012/02/25/right-vs-pragmatic.)

You can use precisely the same arguments to denigrate demotic script versus hieroglyphs, and say that anyone who thinks writing complex pictures is too difficult a way to express themselves is just whining.

I'm not taking a position on the argument expressed in the article; I'm merely noting that your argument is so infinitely applicable (even recursively applicable, back every step of every path of technological and notational improvement) that it is effectively useless as a way to determine the best path to follow.

I see more people agree with you than with me, despite the fact upvotes aren't meant to be used that way. HN can be trying at times, can't it?

Indeed - but that is the nature of the Internet. There should always be a counterpoint to a good view.

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