Intuitively, most people seem to think that bodily harm is worse that psychological harm. In practice, extreme isolation has shown to be exceptional potent form of torture, and it not uncommon for prisoners to self starve and trade bodily harm in exchange of ending psychological harm. People in general undervalue the threat of psychological harm. We all know how physical pain feel like from cutting a finger or scraping a knee. Most of us don't know however how it feels to be social isolated unless we experience it first hand.
We can also seen in the animal kingdom how physiological harm often lead to bodily harm. A common tactic in female to female aggression is to induce miscarriage through stress. It is similar outcome as physical harm. It just that researcher until fairly recent (~50 years) attributed those thing to nature rather than to violence. A dead female baboon must be dead because the jungle is a dangerous place, while a dead male baboon is obviously dead because he got beaten to death.
We can also seen in the animal kingdom how physiological harm often lead to bodily harm. A common tactic in female to female aggression is to induce miscarriage through stress. It is similar outcome as physical harm. It just that researcher until fairly recent (~50 years) attributed those thing to nature rather than to violence. A dead female baboon must be dead because the jungle is a dangerous place, while a dead male baboon is obviously dead because he got beaten to death.