I can't quite tell if this is written by an LLM (and aided by a person, re: the developer is known) or the writing style is just so prolific that LLMs cant help but ape it.
I think it's because every sentence is pretty short.
These sentences end up being related, and should probably be just one paragraph.
The writing style seems to separate everything out, I can say this might be what gives the impression of a LLM gluing parts together!
I wonder if they received a McDonalds presser, and I wonder how much of those are still human-in-the-loop.
Well the author, Anthony, is a digital nomad who's known for minimal effort fluff pieces so it would seem like a natural progression to use LLMs. At some point retro dodo might skip the middle name and render him unemployed.
I know I sound bitter but it's because retro dodo used to be a high quality production shop (still mostly is, to be fair). Though I understand that it wasn't sustainable for the original two guys to do everything alone (they've branched from blogging to youtubing to even book publishing after all)
I can't quite tell if this comment is written by an LLM (and aided by a person) or the writing style is just so prolific that LLMs cant help but ape it.
I think it's because every sentence is pretty short.
These sentences end up being related, and should probably be just one paragraph.
The writing style seems to separate everything out, I can say this might be what gives the impression of a LLM gluing parts together!
I think it's because every sentence is pretty short.
These sentences end up being related, and should probably be just one paragraph.
The writing style seems to separate everything out, I can say this might be what gives the impression of a LLM gluing parts together!
I wonder if they received a McDonalds presser, and I wonder how much of those are still human-in-the-loop.