He’s making these peoples lives better though. How would him not doing this stuff help anyone? Just because he’s not overthrowing the system the happiness he’s provided is worthless?
Mr beast is not able to upend society and convince enough voters to provide a better support system. You’re advocating for doing nothing, that’s what would happen if he focused on politics instead of fun videos.
i don't see the parent comment as suggesting that pointing out the lack of support in our society is a bad thing. personally i think pointing out how the social net is failing is exactly what we need. if that is really the effect that his videos have then that is good.
is he really? how much good is a one-time payment of a lump of money helping? sure, it may allow someone to afford something they could not before, but unless they are able to invest that money into something that will improve their live for the long term, then such a payment doesn't really do anyhing to actually change their situation.
one time payments need to be used strategically, and we know from lottery winners that many don't know how to do that.
if we want to help people we need to work on changing systems that allow them to raise their income or lower their monthly expenses or carefully guide them to use one time payments to fix a problem in their life that will have a long term benefit.
i have no qualms with MrBeast's business model. using his youtube videos to raise money to help people in whichever way is certainly not a problem. most of the entertainment industry is doing a lot worse (by keeping the profits to themselves).
the question is not, who is doing more, but whether what anyone of us is doing has any lasting effects. so it matters how the money is used. most of what i have seen from MrBeast is giving random amounts of money to individuals, which sometimes can be helpful, but often only provides short term relief. his recent examples of paying for eye surgery or funding an orphanage are an improvement over that, and if that is where MrBeast's philanthropy is heading, then i am all for it.
the eye surgery is obviously an example of a one time payment with a long term benefit. if he is able to generate income to solve more problems like that then he is indeed helping people.