Clever move since Charity Navigator rates you very highly if you spend almost all your charity money on growing yourself like the Harvard Management Company does. I don't outsource my moral judgment so I can safely conclude that HMC isn't a "good charity" as CN calls it.
CharityNavigator isn’t perfect, but it is better than nothing. It at least checks for things like independence, board composition, and other factors.
It also confirms IRS charity status.
MrBeast isn’t a charity at all. It’s good he gives money, but we don’t know how much he gives, or what percentage, or how effective he is.
Judging good or bad charities is up to donors. CN doesn’t say if something is good or bad, it just tells you how spend their money. Harvard spends all their money on their school.
This seems to be “the bullshit way” that just squirms the conversation forward and I think encapsulates what makes me dislike MrBeast and YouTube culture overall.
What percent does he give to charity? And how is it audited?
How does he compare to top charities?