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Thing is, high value users won't use a site that has no content. There's no there there any more without the userbase.

The vast majority of users on any platform are passive consumers, they are valuable only as long as they keep scrolling and viewing ads. The ultra tiny minority of users that are valuable to the platform 24/7 are the ones that consistently submit links, generate original content or post comments that bring in a lot of the passive users. The high value users will only leave when they loose the ability to upload to, and interact with, their favorite communities.

It depends. It may be easier to corral high value users into a green field, rather than have them share the field with low value users.

High value users are a completely different demographic.

Realistically, there are a large amount of people who don't care about the protests. They're going to be creating content. I wouldn't be surprised if the people most outraged are the ones who don't even comment that often.

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