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Easily solved by said security professionals auditing the security of the devices, refuting the claims in the Bloomberg article, and throwing it all up on a blog with catchy “No, china didn’t backdoor servers headed to US gov datacenter racks” title.

It would get awkward when they find the US backoor built in to every server headed everywhere ... I guess technically outside the scope of the headline so you can just leave it out.

The point is, if the original article is bogus and full of lies it should be trivial for the security community to debunk any back door claims and set the record straight, yet that isn’t being done while still calling for the original article lacking any proof be taken down.

Someone on one of these sides needs to provide evidence to support their claims. Clearly the authors of the original article have no intention or it would have been done already.

They haven’t taken it down because it continues to draw in traffic.

It’s trivial to debunk because the story was a hack job with no sources to begin with: the burden on proof is on the accuser in this case.

You’re describing every follow-up podcast on the matter.

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