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Building an alternative to Reddit is actually incredibly hard, especially if you suddenly get a huge influx of new users. Not talking about the technical side of things, but the community. How should the developers of these clients feel certain that whatever alternative they decide to endorse won't end up like Voat?

Not only that but who (and how) is all of this hardware getting paid for? Running a large web service is not cheap and nobody wants to front those costs for practically no gain.

>How should the developers of these clients feel certain that whatever alternative they decide to endorse won't end up like Voat?

Make sure the community has proper and sane moderators/admins and stamp that down before it flairs up. Because it's the internet, it will always flare up if unchecked.

But I get it, that involves trust in judgement, and the internet attracts some very zealous personalities that don't have that. You'd need someone with a proven record to champion that cause. I'm not sure who that is.

Building an alternative to reddit generally is quite hard.

Building a single subreddit (or handful, if they're interrelated) alternative seems way more doable. See eg thedonald which transitioned to an external forum until a mod shut it down because of (not really sure, I didn't follow, but it was a working site for a couple years.)

I'd be interested. If there was something that was even 1% as large as r/games I'd be fine weaning off. Hopefully a community that isn't hellbent on bashing anything that isn't a console game.

Most of my tech subs are covered pretty well here, but not media.

It’s still there. It’s just at patriots.win now. Although upvotes vary between 100 and 1,000 so, much smaller than it was on Reddit where you’d easily get 10,000+ upvotes.

So like 1 to 10 real people, where it used to be 100?

Sure whatever makes you feel better about depersonalizing the millions of people who voted for Trump.

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