Out of a set of 30 or so LEDs, I've had five fail.
Four of those are spots in either recessed or exposed cans, and I suspect temperature or moisture may be involved. (Another set matching three of the failed, in near-identical fixtures ... are doing fine.)
One was a stick-type bulb used in a closet which seemed to fizzle.
In all cases I suspect it was electronics rather than the LED elements themselves which failed.
Three-way LEDs are hugely superior to incandescent 3-way bulbs, which always seem to lose at least one filament within a few months. The LEDs are going strong years on.
Four of those are spots in either recessed or exposed cans, and I suspect temperature or moisture may be involved. (Another set matching three of the failed, in near-identical fixtures ... are doing fine.)
One was a stick-type bulb used in a closet which seemed to fizzle.
In all cases I suspect it was electronics rather than the LED elements themselves which failed.
Three-way LEDs are hugely superior to incandescent 3-way bulbs, which always seem to lose at least one filament within a few months. The LEDs are going strong years on.