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That's why I have stocks now (I bought them just before the first post-M1 xmas report because all I could hear about was them hitting out of the ballpark but the stock had hardly moved so I knew it to be undervalued), but past performance never guarantees future performance.

Games are a canary, Apple likes to lock in developers with their own API's and that works as long as you are the clear leader but once you're not it'll bite you. Apple mobile leadership since early iPhones attracted developers, but once the mobile market stagnated developers has looked elsewhere.

And the headset, I have a hard time seeing that people who buy Apple laptops,etc for their atheistic will put on these ski-goggles on a daily basis? And that's not even mentioning the pricepoint.

Apple had a runway after Jobs left the first time before things got bad, sure they know their history now and will do their darnedest not to repeat history but whilst Ive wasn't the right person to build professional machines, I can't wonder if he was still the type of person Apple needed for "personal devices" like the headset.

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