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I'm confused... Figma can seemingly do all of this already, from a rendering perspective. And it's outrageously performant. It's one of the most performant web apps I've ever seen.

Why don't you do exactly what Figma is doing?

A long time ago a small startup used unusual tooling in the industry. The startup was small, but the tooling had some great qualities, which allowed the startup to compete with bigger teams feature for feature, spending less efforts to produce the same functionality as their industry peers. Eventually the startup had a successful exit, the founders become rich, and one of them even started sharing his experience in a rather systematic manner. Happy end.

Is it so that SVG requires to use all the features of it, or is it possible that you can mix and match, choosing what's important now and what's not, while benefiting from already existing SVG features? Is it possible that SVG followers don't do something which SVG does for them? Aren't there features, sufficiently aligned with SVG, which outperform directly working with other layers?

Figma is excellent at many things, but they struggle with accessibility. It's been a year since they wrote a blog post about their accessibility efforts so I don't know how far they've managed to solve the issues they identified - https://www.figma.com/blog/a-step-forward-in-our-accessibili...

It's hard to get as performant as Figma does, not as straightforward as a rendering medium switch. What if webgpu lets me get Figma performance with my little 6 person startup team without the massive engineering man-hours Figma has spent on performance?

Anyway, if it were high priority for us, we'd have done it already (switching to canvas/webgl). But right now it feels like buying a Quest when the Vision Pro is coming soon.

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