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Oi mate you got a loicense for that stock pot?

Underrated joke.

It is sort of a low-effort meme that comes up any time legislation and the British do. It doesn’t appear to have a negative score so I judge it: appropriately rated.

Indeed. Slippery slope arguments do tickle my funny bone.


It's a reference to a joke about needing a fridge license in Britain which comes from an exaggeration of us having a TV license

Your GPT is right but it missed a bit. License for that is associated with the UK because of the TV license

Oi mate you got a loicense for that language model?

Context: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35941667

> the idea of needing permission for everyday activities

Excessive regulation

I don't think you were supposed to think about it that hard.

Although, calling something under-rated does seem to invite people who’ve passed over it to think a little harder about it.

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