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> I don't really find Mastodon that slow.

Not generally, but many servers. Which results in me avoiding clicking on any links to mastodon because I expect it to be extremely slow.

Which I find frankly ironic because I dread clicking on Twitter links for that same reason.

It takes 10 seconds to load a tweet, and I have to click through the "view in app" nag, to boot.

Using Mastodon servers have been a breath of fresh air in comparison.

I thought Twitter was horribly slow just because of the insane amount of JS and HTML it uses for displaying some simple text. I've always avoided clicking on Twitter links because it's so ridiculously slow.

I use nitter, the right servers are fast ;)

Too much content is blocked for nitter this days. At least on my experience.

Huh? Like what? Never had that happen.

Some servers/instances maybe are less reliable than others. Same for teddit and invidious.

Ah, well, luckily it’s easy to switch servers. But that’s the issue with Mastodon, you have to view the content on the instance it’s posted on.

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