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While impressive, I don't think IPFS can scale to any kind of real load that even a fifth of the users of reddit using this could handle. Its a super heavy daemon and if its just gateway users there is still a little bit of centralization going on. Like who runs "pubsubprovider.xyz" that most of the data is being relayed with? same with "plebpubsub.live"

you can see the list of providers in the settings page, and you can add your own providers to the list (for example your local IPFS node) https://plebbit-test.netlify.app/#/settings/plebbit-options

the idea is that if there's 100 providers eventually, and only 1 needs to not censor you to get your content, then it's unlikely you will be censored

we plan on adding IPFS webrtc and webtransport at some point, to reduce the need and load on the ipfs gateways, and whatever new that comes out that can help the browser/mobile clients. For example https://iroh.computer/ seems promising

the desktop client is fully P2P, it bundles an IPFS node, and the only requests it makes are through the IPFS node. (technically it makes one request to github for default communities, but we will remove that at some point). Also if your community or username uses a human readable name (optional), then you need to resolve that name somehow, we can technically support any name system anyone makes, and that might or might not be P2P.

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