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Depending on your work, I imagine you'll still want a desk for typing.

I can't imagine writing code using only my voice.

I have a lap desk with a BT keyboard and trackpad. I assume I'd want to bring the keyboard to my imaginary hammock desk. The trackpad (and lap desk) might not be necessary, assuming that pointer manipulation can be done via gestures.

I agree that dictation would not be enough for most people. I don't code, but writing emails is not a fun experience with Apple's current speech-to-text offerings.

They have just integrated transformers into autocorrect though

That may help, but it won't fix the fact that there's not an easy syntax for editing words/phrases as you go, or at least not as efficiently as you can edit on a computer. They do offer some ways to do this if you use certain accessibility features, but without those turned on it is very difficult (if not impossible) to edit text with your voice. Perhaps they will open this up a bit for the new OS, since many people will use it sans keyboard.

Coding by voice is pretty doable, actually! Check out Talon if you're interested.

As the excellent video "Windows Vista Speech Recognition Tested - Perl Scripting" hilariously demonstrates.

(I trust that technology has improved over the last 15 years, though Siri is fairly similar.)


I can - telling CodeGPT what I'd like it to do.

If we ever reach that stage then why would you have a job at all? Anyone can tell ChatGPT what to do.

You might as well ask why the Army needs officers and not just privates.

Its AR

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