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> "is there another explanation?"

It's aliens. They literally announced they have been reverse engineering space ships from aliens from outer space. I mean I don't think it's true but it's what they announced.

After I read your comment, I googled.

No one official announced anything. Instead an "insider" claims this. Among the claims, is that aliens are working with governements, and provided key tech, such as fiber optics, and silicon chips.

Yeah. OK.

I can literay, over a century, trace all the key scientific discoveries, how they happened, for transistors, ICs, etc. There was no help.

And shining light through glass isn't that fancy of a tech.

These articles piss me off. They belittle the capabilities of humans, for profit.

I really wish the aliens would hurry up and give us fusion power already, and maybe the cure to all diseases, a theory of everything and quantum computing while they're at it. I didn't need compact discs that badly.

The parent is a troll and posted this thread "Is Hacker News slow for you guys too? I think it's the Apple announcements" just 20 minutes earlier.


I'm not a troll I think both reasons are true.

This is where HN devolves into Reddit joke threads

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