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Possibly slightly off-topic: Are there any free (as in speech) web-based NNTP front-ends that are relative ly up to date, and still maintained? On my home server I can pull up my email, texts, and RSS feeds in a web browser. It would be nice to do the same with newsgroups, instead of having to run Pan (even though I get the same feeling of nostalgia from its UI as the author does).

Yes--the DLang forums are what I'd consider the best.

> About (https://forum.dlang.org/help#about)

> This website is powered by DFeed, an NNTP / mailing list web frontend / forum software, news aggregator and IRC bot. DFeed was written mostly by Vladimir Panteleev. The source code is available under the GNU Affero General Public License on GitHub: https://github.com/CyberShadow/DFeed

> This DFeed instance (forum.dlang.org) is a frontend to the DigitalMars NNTP server and mailing lists. Portions of the web interface (including style and graphics) are Copyright © by Digital Mars.

Anything wrong with Mozilla Thunderbird?

Only that it's not installed on every computer I use :)

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