Probably the larger languages will be affected somewhat as well (I can't test Spanish but I've used GPT3.5 in French without issues) but not as much I think, such automated attacks seem to most often be targeted at English (I suppose if you're doing something like that, it's both easier to use English and also gives better returns (whatever they are) since there are much more English readers on the Internet).
On smaller languages though, GPT is often not good enough to use without a lot of supervision. Like it can give a good impression of West-Flemish, but can't simulate an actual conversation on an actual topic. Even just Dutch is kind of hit-and-miss.
On smaller languages though, GPT is often not good enough to use without a lot of supervision. Like it can give a good impression of West-Flemish, but can't simulate an actual conversation on an actual topic. Even just Dutch is kind of hit-and-miss.