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I sympathize - it must’ve been stressful to go through this.

Yet I just can’t stop to imagine the other side’s perspective and it’s making me laugh:

I’m sitting in front of the monitoring dashboard, chewing a sandwich, and then a spike of intranet activity shows on one of the charts. I look at the dashboard and immediately notice that it’s effect of some SMS broadcast. Nothing to see here: lazy Tuesday.

Then on the dashboard with user agents new column shows. 1 request. Curl’s user agent sticks out like a sore thumb.

“Oh, someone probably just copy & pasted contents of the text message to check it out through curl in order to be safe” wouldn’t take place in Top 10 thoughts that’d I have after seeing that.

If I'm using curl, I'm probably also using git, ssh and wget. I think an active threat would be more likely to try to blend in (a giveaway would probably to use a user agent that declared I was using a different OS because it was hardcoded into the payload.)

What I end up thinking about is that even though I'm back at the office full time (and I'm one of the weirdos that actually prefer it) I have doctors appointments, school teacher meetings and such that have all moved online. So convenient!, except there's no way I can realistically attend them privately, so a 5 minute meds appointment is now once again a 3 hour travel ordeal.

End-to-End encryption doesn't matter if your employer is scraping your device. I know this is all obvious, but it didn't need to be this way.

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