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Will Hurd is a liberal Republican. He supports Dreamers. Very early critic of Donald Trump.

Early critic of Donald Trump means nothing - Lindsey Graham was too, but has resorted to kissing Trump's ass for the last 7 years. You could say the same for Mitt Romney - an early critic who spoke against candidate Trump, but voted for candidate Trump, and voted in lockstep with President Trump.

A liberal Republican? Will Hurd's voting record speaks otherwise. In the 115th Congress, Hurd voted with Donald Trump 94.8% of the time. In the 116th Congress, that number dropped to 64.8%. That's an 80.4% average across Trump's presidency. [0] Agreeing with Donald Trump 4 times out of 5 across all legislative activities over 4 years isn't really being critical of him or his administration.

[0] https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/congress-trump-score/wi...

It's like calling Dick Cheney a liberal because one of his daughters is lesbian, even though he supports all sort of other far-right legislation.

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