I'm working on a company https://speakeasyapi.dev/ with the goal of helping companies in this ecosystem get great production quality client sdks, terraform providers, cli(s) and all the developer surfaces you may want supported for our API. We also manage the spec and publishing workflow for you so all you have to do is build your API and we'll do the rest.
Feel free to email me at sagar@speakeasyapi.dev or join our slack (https://join.slack.com/t/speakeasy-dev/shared_invite/zt-1cwb...) . We're in open beta and working with a few great companies already and we'd be happy for you to try out the platform for free!
The original comment and every reply reads like it was copied straight from a marketing brief. This is everyone's reminder that Hacknernews is not immune to astroturfing, and it's often done much more subtly.
We at Airbyte are happy users of the speakeasy platform. The CLI generator is easy to get started with and generate nice api clients that are constantly getting better. Their api developer platform does a great job of managing new client builds and deploys to the package repositories as well. Super please with the experience so far.
What's the thought process behind the product with API Keys? Why do you build those for your end user, and what's the goal of someone using that. Unless I'm misinterpreting.
I've been working with Speakeasy for a couple of month now to produce client libraries for our customers to use. They've finally made an OAS-based code generator that's great. In fact, it's getting even better with useful functionality being released on an almost biweekly basis. I would strongly recommend Sagar and the Speakeasy team to anyone looking to support high quality client libraries for your customers.
Feel free to email me at sagar@speakeasyapi.dev or join our slack (https://join.slack.com/t/speakeasy-dev/shared_invite/zt-1cwb...) . We're in open beta and working with a few great companies already and we'd be happy for you to try out the platform for free!