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I'm not going to say it's not racist, it is, but I will say it's the only choice we have right now. Unfortunately, the collective writings of the internet are highly biased.

Once we can train something to this level of quality on a fraction of the data (a highly curated data set) or create something with the ability to learn continuously, we're stuck with models like GPT-4.

You can only develop new technology like this to human standards once we understand how it works. To me, the mistake was doing a wide-scale release of the technology before we even began.

Make it work, make it right, make it fast.

We're still in the first step and don't even know what "right" means in this context. It's all "I'll know it when I see it level of correction."

We've created software that infringes on the realms of morals, culture, and social behavior. This is stuff philosophy still hasn't fully grasped. And now we're asking software engineers to teach this software morals and the right behaviors?

Even parents who have 18 years to figure this stuff out fail at teaching children their own morals regularly.

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