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There's range of functionality in software technology, i.e. some new framework, may have been outputed fully developed and internally debugged for years in some startup, or you could have a really almost not even a production level software, just uploaded to github.

In most projects, many unmatured software is being used just because works for some specific task, nowadays.

With that in mind, it is easy to hyphotetize that many projects are already using LLMs internally. Not always for good deeds, easily, one of the most and best use cases, is to use LLMs to command & control distributed malware.

So there you go, it maybe possible that some beta level of intelligent malware is already roaming the Internet right now. We'll know for sure in some years from now (the usual time for advanced malware to be discovered is somewhat 2-3 years after it has been took it to production).

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