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It was a great ride while it lasted. My assumption is that efficacy at coding tasks is such a small percent of users, they’ve just sacrificed it on the altar of efficiency and/or scale. That, or they’ve cut some back room deal with Microsoft to make Copilot have access to the only version of the model that can actually code.

Honestly, why not different versions at this point? People who want it for coding don't care if it knows the history of prerevolution France, and vice versa.

Seems they could wow more people if they had specialized versions, rather than the jack of all trades that tries to exist now.

Edit: Oh God, I just described our human system of specialty and how the AI could replace us using the same means...

>Edit: Oh God, I just described our human system of specialty and how the AI could replace us using the same means...

Welcome to the Future... just like the present, but worse for you.

In all seriousness, there has been a lot of work done to show that smaller specialized models are better for their own domains and its entirely possible that GPT4 could become a routing mechanism for individual models (think toolformer).

FWIW, I started to get the same feeling as the OP about GPT-4 model I have access to on Azure, so if there's any deal being cut here, it might involve dumbing down the model for paying Azure customers as well.

Now, to be clear: I only started to get a feeling that GPT-4 on Azure is getting worse. I didn't do any specific testing for this so far, as I thought I may just be imagining it. This thread is starting to convince me otherwise.

I’ve seen degradation in the app and via the API, so if I had to bet, they’ve probably kneecapped the model so that it works passably everywhere they’ve been made it available vs. works well in one place or another.

Yes. I think 'sirsinsalot is likely right in suggesting[0] that they could be trying "to hoard the capability to out compete any competitor, of any kind, commercially or politically and hide the true extent of your capability to avoid scrutiny and legislation", and that they're currently "dialing back the public expectations", possibly while "deploying the capability in a novel way to exploit it as the largest lever" they can.

That view is consistent with GPT-4 getting dumber on both OpenAI proper and Azure OpenAI - even as the companies and corporations using the latter are paying through the nose for the privilege.

Alternative take is that they're doing it to slow the development of the whole field down, per all the AI safety letters and manifestos that they've been signing and circulating - but that would be at best a stop-gap before OSS models catch up, and it's more than likely that OpenAI and/or Microsoft would succumb to the temptation of doing what 'sirsinsalot suggested anyway.


[0] - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36135425

If it got faster at the same time it could just be bait and switch with a quantized/sparsified replacement.

Maybe it had to do with jailbreaks? A lot of the jailbreaks were related to coding, so maybe they put more restrictions in there. Only speculating, but I cannot imagine why it got worse otherwise.

Copilot X (the new version, with a chat interface etc) is significantly worse than GPT-4 (at least before this update). It felt like gpt3.5-turbo to me.

I have spent the last couple of days playing with Copilot X Chat, to help me learn Ruby on Rails. I'd have thought that Rails would be something it would be competent with.

My experience has been atrocious. It makes up gems and functions. Rails commands it gives are frequently incorrect. Trying to use it to debug issues results in it responding with the same incorrect answer repeatedly, often removing necessary lines.

Have they started rolling it out? When did you get access?

I've had access since 2023-05-13. You have to use the Insiders build of VS Code, and a nightly version of the Copilot extension.

I take it that you have to subscribe to Copilot in order to get access to Copilot X?

yes you have to subscribe

Also the deal to make the browsing model to only use Bing. That's bait and switch. I paid for browsing, and now it only browses Bing. They even had the gall to update the plugin name to Browsing with Bing.

It can definitely browse websites that aren't Bing, I asked it to look at a page that isn't in the bing cache and it worked.

Clearly "Browse with Bing" doesn't mean that it will only browse bing.com, but what exactly does it mean? I can't quite figure it out. Is it that it's identifying as a Bing crawler?

Marketing ?

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