None we have made from unliving things no. «agentic» is a 5$ word of ill construction. The literature is littered with the corpses of failed definitions of «agency», «planning», «goal dorected behavior». ‘Twas the death of the Expert System AI (now it’s just constraint solvers). It will be the death of attention/transformer AI before long, I wonder what banality we will bestow upon it.
Okay, well it seems funny to both claim that there is no good definition of agency, but also be sure that we've never demonstrated any hint of it in theory or practice. Planners, optimizers, and RL agents seem agentic to some degree to me, even if our current ones aren't very competent.
You know, i thought of the right response just now, browsing my flamewars two weeks later.
«Some degree» of agency is not even near sufficient identification of agency to synthesize it ex nihilo. There is no Axiom of Choice in real life, proof of existence is not proof of construction.