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I was in a pseudo-intellectual club during my undergrad, where the club engaged in public debates at local bars. One of our more engaging and hilariously absurd projects was a satirical rewrite of The Myth of Sisyphus, where it was not one Sisyphus but every software engineer on the planet and who ever lived and who ever will live waking in an afterlife of endless software deadlines and absurd management design changes.

Anymore, I think the purpose is to create meaning, and to recognize that everyone needs support, love, understanding and help. Beyond that, be crazy, but not too deep or you'll never enjoy. Saw a great quote over the weekend: I think therefore I am, you overthink and therefore are never really there.

I agree about creating meaning, and you mentioning that others need love, support, and help is largely the basis of how I think and operate these days. I’m seriously imperfect in regards to operating with these values and intent, but far better than I was and far better over time.

I’ve come to think that life is other people. I was a bit of a loner in my early life and well into adulthood, but it couldn’t be clearer now that this life is nothing without other people. In a very practical and perhaps spiritual sense. Contemplating that can create an incredible sense of gratitude towards other people, even if they’re difficult or a stressful aspect of my life. They make me who I am. They’re a massive component of what makes this life less like a “brain in a vat” experiment. Every moment of my life is facilitated by another human being in some sense, from birth to this comment on the internet. What an amazing thought.

Of course the planet and all of its life is responsible as well. But as a social animal, I’d be lost without other people. I have the distinct sense that I’m here for them, and whether you realize it or not, you’re all here for me. I’m not sure we behave as though that’s the case as often as we should.

I suppose the only part I struggle with, which I originally mentioned, is if it’s necessary or even beneficial for me to be present in this network. I don’t bring much to it. I’m not upset about it — I don’t have much control over it. It’s strange to consider, though. I could just make my own meaning where I’m pretty useless to others and live with that, but I do wonder if there could be or should be more purpose or use for my existence.

Then again, how would you measure value or use of a life. This is why we have absurdism in the first place.

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