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How many only knew because of increased testing?

How many had mild cases?

Were there any severe cases?

In other news, being an expert in disease transmission does not make your immune system better.

To partially answer, according to the CDC release, there were zero hospitalizations: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2023/s0526-eis.html

* 181 (13%) respondents reported testing positive for SARS-CoV-2

* Of those who reported testing positive, 52% reported no known prior COVID-19 infection

* 1,435 (99.4%) of respondents reported at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose

* 49 (27%) of the respondents who tested positive received antiviral medications

* 70% of respondents reported not wearing a mask; the event coincided with a period of low COVID-19 Community Levels, where masking is not recommended in CDC guidance

* None were hospitalized

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