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Intelligence cannot be 'solved', I would go on to further say that an intelligence without the option of violence isn't an intelligence at all.

If you suddenly wanted to kill people, for example, then could probably kill a few before you were stopped. That is typically the limits of an individuals power. Now, if you were a corporation with money, depending on the strategy you used you could likely kill anywhere from hundreds to hundreds of thousands. Kick it up to government level, and well, the term "just a statistic" exists for a reason.

We tend to have laws around these behaviors, but they are typically punitive. The law realizes that humans, and human systems will unalign themselves from "moral" behavior (whatever that may be considered at the time). When the lawgiver itself becomes unaligned, well, things tend to get bad. Human alignment typically consists of benefits (I give you nice things/money/power) or violence.

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