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Hey, I'm the author of this small post. I was surprised to see it on HN.

> The issue is that browser and certain apps are available to me on the phone instantly.

I think you are right, and it has to do with decreasing UX friction: quick unlocks, overall performance, and muscle memory. I try to add some layers of friction, such as disabling tap to wake, or forcing password unlocks, or even browsers that offer a good but less smooth experience (eInkBro on Android could be one to try.

Overall, I think it helps me to go through apps occasionally and ask myself, β€œIs it an infinity app? Could I use this forever without content exhausting itself, or a purpose never being fulfilled?”

It's a demanding exercise in deliberate usage, and it can't always succeed (at least for me, I'm not that strong.)

I wish there were a good AOSP eInk phone to still use all the necessary everyday apps, but slower. The new Assistive Access simplified display mode seems very interesting on iOS from a UX perspective:


Adding friction with time-based bandwidth choking/restrictions I included as a feature when creating SocialsDetox, albeit this was primarily intended for video-based sites/apps - to increase frustration with them (poor user experience) rather than outright blocking. If you think it would help, and are happy to be a tester for expanding the functionality to other infinity apps/sites (e.g. Reddit), drop me an email (link in profile) and I'll look to get something setup to see if it works for you/your intended use case.

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