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I still very much like WordPress. Actually a lot better than Webflow that not only has no plugins but less support and more limitations in the UI editor as well.

WordPress has served me well over the years, and even though I don't use it anymore, it has certainly been easy to setup and get going with templates, plugins and SEO.

I still see a lot of brands using WordPress for their official websites, which always surprises me, but it also assures me that WordPress still is relevant to this day.

Thank you, WordPress!

Wordpress just works as long as you keep it simple. It works great and doesn't deserve the shit it's getting from many. It's one of the remaining pieces of the old web, and it has evolved nicely with its time.

Not long ago I had a junior dev remake the corporate site by having him make a template with ACF flexible content - the previous iteration was done by him mainly using Divi, and the result was so much different.

He was recounting how much better the experience of building the site was, and how much more responsive the content management was, when divi was not part of it.

Then we threw in few plugins to cache and minimize and presto, a simple site up and running that non devs can go and add content, and does well in speedtests.

Sony, Disney, Rolling Stone Magazine, and the White House to name a few - https://wordpress.org/showcase/

Critics pop out of the woodwork whenever it's mentioned on HN, but most of them have very little meaningful experience with WP. The ecosystem around it is huge and mature and if you work with the right partners it's a remarkably hassle free way for a business to serve tens of millions of users. Most of the issues with plugins are resolved simply by being picky about which plugins you install, you are not required to use any, you can code everything yourself if you think that's safer (hint: often, it's not).

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