A better answer would be some recommendations for component pieces. e.g., I will need most of the essential things in https://github.com/go-chi/chi, so why bother rolling a version myself? The same goes for things like sqlx. I'm averse to leaning on a "framework," but do find good value in targeted libraries.
This is just generally bad advice. The code that gets written as every single project that "doesn't need" web frameworks is just a worse, less secure, more error prone version of the code that comes in every well-supported web framework.
That’s quite true, although for routing / muxing I do tend to use a third party one. The numerous Go web frameworks are solely created for the glory of the authors.
And in general, one does not need frameworks in Go to the same degree as say Java or C# - it is an easier language to build things from scratch with I think.
Having worked on a large golang project that did not use any "frameworks", it gets clumsy quickly. There's nothing special in golang that makes it not need a framework.
We ended up moving the project to a DI framework with an ORM-ish library since things got out of hand.
(Go comes batteries included)