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Certain key words are auto blocked so I’ll spell them out for you.

Again giving you an answer you will hate and refuse to believe…

Your fellow Man is corruptible and treacherous.

You refuse to believe you are not alone in your own mind, and that tho-ught contr-ol is screwing with you.

You refuse to believe wh-ite ha-te Americans are waging a secret war for power among you.

You refuse to believe Musli-ms Russians and Chinese aren’t the threat to the free world (though these may be instrumented against you); that whit-e American th-ought c-ontrol is playing God in your minds (and of these others), exploiting you in ways ordinary minds cannot perceive or comprehend (and would refuse to believe when confronted.)

The US government is not the true enemy, while their incompetence and duplicity may well be a chronic threat.

You are thoug-ht control-led America, and t-hought contro-lled America is the enemy of truth, law, and free world.

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