How do you know the business will not collapse? Revenue internally is down 40% and importantly the activity is a cesspool, wouldn't reckon that's the company just chugging along
"How do you know the business will not collapse"? That's a ridiculous question. Eventually all things die. The question is not will Twitter die but when, and so far the people predicting imminent demise were all completely wrong. Musk's detractors clearly had no idea at all of how much bloat ideological hiring had created inside firms like Twitter. Even if Twitter gets sold or whatever next year, it won't be vindication for those people because they were already proven wrong.
I made an account just to tell you that after a decade of placeholder Twitter account, I started using it after Elon.
When Tucker Carlson posted his videos about being fired, my dad made an account because he thinks it'll be the new YouTube. He doesn't even watch Foxnews.