"The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two" [1] applies to many things. In this case, a book, could reasonably be reasoned about almost no matter the length as you argue, given the scope of a book is usually limited to a few topics (the French invasion of Russia). Similarly three to seven chapters could be retold, but not every 361 chapters. A "580,000" word long book about 58,000 things would be unfeasible for a human, but probably feasible for an LLM with a 580k context.
That in essence, I believe, is the difference. An LLM (while still predicting the next word, given it's context), seem to care less about the number of subjects in a given context, than humans do.
That in essence, I believe, is the difference. An LLM (while still predicting the next word, given it's context), seem to care less about the number of subjects in a given context, than humans do.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magical_Number_Seven,_Plus...