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Counterpoint: how do we govern global issues with a global government? I’m not sure it’s any easier.

I'll try a coding analogy, as I saw your bio says you've done a lot of coding. The analogy may be off, and I assume you've done a lot more coding than me so I'm curious to hear your reaction.

Imagine coding a program and there are no variables or methods with global scope. If you want to know the number of users in the program, you have to add up all the user variables from each object and each object defines a user in a different way. Also, to access the user variables in each object, you need to use different methods. Now imagine there are 190+ different objects. Some are similar, some different, and they are constantly changing in their structure.

How would you be able to run global functions?

I imagine having standardized ways to access the objects (variables and methods within) could really help improve the program.

If those 190+ objects are not objects but libraries with different developers and different API structures and maybe languages, it can get even more complex without some coordination from a higher-level perspective.

How does that analogy land for you?

Amazing counterpoint!

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