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'There is a significant perception that "altering your state of mind" is immoral '

This is probably a straw man. The immoral part comes from some percentage of the trippers ending up doing things like climbing naked up power lines to steal the copper for future trips.

It's a question of whether society should tolerate the % damage that occurs versus the % high it gives those not participating in the damage.

That's an issue of set and setting, and of proper education. Also, what in the world scenario have you put forth? Who is "climbing naked up power lines to steal the copper for future trips"? I've never heard that one in all the years of propaganda I've heard (like the old canard about someone taking LSD and believing after the trip that they're an orange).

You must not be familiar with the bath salt scenarios in Florida :)

Bath salts are similar to amphetamines. They have nothing to do with ketamine or other psychedelics.

You're committing the same error people did when they declared cannabis and LSD as scheduled 1 drugs in the same category as heroin.

By this line of thinking might as well avoid taking aspirine, because sounds like ketamine and is also a drug.

I was responding to the "altering state of mind" comment, which is quite broad :)

People can’t even move properly on therapeutic doses.

Climbing power lines, lmfao.

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