I was thinking, for myself; growing up as a SEGA kid, I'd far rather implement a GG/SMS emulator, heh.
I would say my interest is perked, though! I have a number of projects at the go currently that I think would prevent me from really dedicating all the effort I'd need to a project of that magnitude, but...it's also Z80, yeah? Mainly?
I did mostly Genesis ASM back in my ROM hacking days, which was 68k, with a Z80 sound chip.
I had a 95% accurate emulator for GG/SMS running in one night. The only bit I took off-the-shelf was some C code for the Z80. I promise you it is pretty easy - if you've coded some assembler before then you'll pick it up really quickly. You don't even need to know Z80 opcodes or anything - it is more about mapping all the memory addresses and setting up an onscreen bitmap to blit all the sprites to.
I would say my interest is perked, though! I have a number of projects at the go currently that I think would prevent me from really dedicating all the effort I'd need to a project of that magnitude, but...it's also Z80, yeah? Mainly?
I did mostly Genesis ASM back in my ROM hacking days, which was 68k, with a Z80 sound chip.