It would heavily favor distros that require major upgrades every six months or whatever over rolling release distros.
With Gentoo, the ISO doesn't matter. You can use any bootable linux distro. I generally used knoppix back in the day, these days I generally use systemrescuecd. I installed Gentoo using the Ubuntu installation disk once because it was the first bootable linux disk I saw. I've used Gentoo as my primary OS for almost two decades and I've only ever downloaded an ISO maybe 5 times.
It would heavily favor distros that require major upgrades every six months or whatever over rolling release distros.
With Gentoo, the ISO doesn't matter. You can use any bootable linux distro. I generally used knoppix back in the day, these days I generally use systemrescuecd. I installed Gentoo using the Ubuntu installation disk once because it was the first bootable linux disk I saw. I've used Gentoo as my primary OS for almost two decades and I've only ever downloaded an ISO maybe 5 times.