Prikler's suggested syntax feels apt, as sugar for (I imagine) a set of native Guile parameters around the remaining fields of the package definition. Infrastructure will need created to implement inheritance, possibly at the level of fluids, in a manner that complies with the Guix maintainers preferences.
Thinking about how I tended to manage my USE flags (ie. through `package.use` as a directory), I think that the balance of package-level impact and operating-system-level syntax (how will services be affected?) will be interesting to see developed
Prikler's suggested syntax feels apt, as sugar for (I imagine) a set of native Guile parameters around the remaining fields of the package definition. Infrastructure will need created to implement inheritance, possibly at the level of fluids, in a manner that complies with the Guix maintainers preferences.
Thinking about how I tended to manage my USE flags (ie. through `package.use` as a directory), I think that the balance of package-level impact and operating-system-level syntax (how will services be affected?) will be interesting to see developed