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I bought someone's HTC Vive Pro gear on eBay. It was a sketchy listing with very few pictures and details, but I had a good feeling. Delightfully, it came with four v2 lighthouses. One of them didn't work, though, and had chew marks from someone trying to pry it open.

The unit being Valve branded, I messaged Valve's customer support. I asked if I could mail the broken lighthouse to them to make sure it got recycled properly. I made it very clear that it was a sketchy eBay purchase that I essentially got for free, and I really just wanted to make sure it got e-wasted responsibly, rather than float around in my garage for the next decade.

They had no record of its serial number, and explained that it was most likely HTC's inventory rather than Valve's. Despite that, they insisted on RMA'ing it and mailed me a functioning unit! They even sent me a prepaid mailing label, but I printed my own to save them the $5.

That's not my only story where I politely made a modest request of their customer support team, and they significantly over-delivered.

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